How to Make Your Boyfriend Better at Oral Sex

Are you looking to spice things up in the bedroom and take your partner's oral skills to the next level? Check out these 9 tips to improve their technique and leave you both wanting more. From communication to experimentation, these tips will help you both explore new ways to pleasure each other. For an extra exciting experience, consider booking an escort from Sexylinx to learn new techniques and add some excitement to your intimate moments.

When it comes to sexual satisfaction, communication and experimentation are key. If you’ve been wanting to improve your boyfriend’s oral sex skills, there are several ways you can help him become a master at pleasing you. Here are 9 tips to make your boyfriend better at oral sex.

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1. Communicate Your Desires

Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to sexual satisfaction. If you want your boyfriend to improve his oral sex skills, it’s important to communicate your desires and preferences. Let him know what feels good and what doesn’t, and be open to trying new things. By being open and honest with your boyfriend, you can help him understand how to better please you.

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2. Guide Him

Sometimes, men may not know exactly what to do when it comes to oral sex. If your boyfriend is new to it, or simply hasn’t mastered the art, don’t be afraid to guide him. You can use verbal cues or gently guide his head and movements to show him what feels good for you. By guiding him, you can help him learn how to pleasure you in the way that you enjoy most.

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3. Show Appreciation

Positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping your boyfriend become better at oral sex. When he does something that feels good, be sure to show your appreciation. Moan, give him verbal praise, or show physical signs of enjoyment. This will encourage him to continue doing what works for you and can help him improve over time.

4. Offer Feedback

In addition to showing appreciation, it’s important to offer constructive feedback. If there are things your boyfriend is doing that don’t feel good, gently let him know. Remember to be tactful and kind in your approach, as criticism can be difficult to receive. By offering feedback, you can help your boyfriend understand what works for you and what doesn’t, ultimately improving his oral sex skills.

5. Watch Porn Together

Watching porn together can be a fun and educational way to improve your boyfriend’s oral sex skills. You can use porn as a way to show him what you enjoy and what turns you on. By watching together, you can open up a dialogue about what you both like and can use it as a way to explore new techniques and positions.

6. Experiment with Different Techniques

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and positions during oral sex. Encourage your boyfriend to try new things and be open to exploring what feels good for you. Whether it’s using his hands, incorporating toys, or trying different rhythms and pressures, experimenting can help your boyfriend become more skilled at oral sex.

7. Set the Mood

Creating a sensual and comfortable environment can also help your boyfriend become better at oral sex. Set the mood with dim lighting, soft music, and a clean, comfortable space. By creating a relaxing and enticing atmosphere, you can help him feel more at ease and focused on pleasuring you.

8. Be Patient

It’s important to be patient and understanding as your boyfriend works on improving his oral sex skills. Like any new skill, it takes time and practice to become proficient. Encourage your boyfriend and be patient as he learns what works for you. With time and practice, he can become a pro at oral sex.

9. Practice, Practice, Practice

Lastly, practice makes perfect. Encourage your boyfriend to practice his oral sex skills regularly. The more he practices, the better he will become at pleasuring you. Be open to regular sexual exploration and be willing to help him improve through consistent practice and communication.

Improving your boyfriend’s oral sex skills takes time, patience, and open communication. By following these tips, you can help your boyfriend become a master at pleasuring you, leading to a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life for both of you.